Friday 29 December 2023

 Transforming Agri-Food Value Chains!

In my extensive experience within the agrifood industry, I've witnessed the challenges faced by agribusinesses and food SMEs in developing countries.
As they strive to navigate the global market, competition continues to intensify. However, there are fundamental strategies that can propel them into the international arena and foster business growth.

1. Ensuring Food Quality and Safety: Establish food safety management system. Ensure product quality and safety along the value chain. Meet international standards. Test, test & test!
2. Create Skilled Labor and Effective Leadership: Invest in organizational capacity and skills development. Create a well-trained workforce and capable leadership. Ensure adaptability and competence.
3. Networking & Access to Finance: Focus on the networking, partnerships and financial sourcing. Realize investment plans to scale operations. Enhance innovation, expansion, and agility in the global markets.
4. Leverage Advanced Technologies: Stay updated with the latest technologies, including "Automation & AI", "Cloud & Mobile", "IoT", "FinTech & Blockchain" and Data Analytics. Embrace technology to streamline processes and stay ahead of the curve. Ensure efficiency, productivity, and competitiveness.
5. Optimizing Production Costs: Produce at a low cost without compromising quality. Create competitive advantage in the market.

In today's fast-evolving landscape, maintaining and expanding international market shares in agriculture and the food industry requires effective food systems. This involves compliance with food safety regulations, offering top-tier services and trade procedures, and innovating in response to the dynamic preferences of the modern consumer, who values health and diversity in agri-food products.

Have questions or insights to share about agrifood value chain transformation? Let's discuss and work towards creating a productive, competitive, sustainable, and internationalized agrifood enterprise!

Protect Biodiversity & Ecosystem services!
Karagöl, Şavşat, Turkey

Empower Yourself with Problem-Solving Questions!

Look at around! You will see a lot of threats and opportunities in a changing business environment. It is being complex, uncertain and hypercompetitive. Balancing family, financial goals, and career aspirations in the midst of the stress requires a transformative approach.

I firmly believe that mastering the skill of asking empowering questions is key to overcoming challenges! Consider this scenario: Your manager expresses concerns about your productivity. Instead of feeling overwhelmed, understand the underlying message, and use it as a catalyst for success. This approach empowers you and shows the way for achievement.

According to my experience in the pharmaceutical and food industries, adopting a positive mindset and asking the right questions can be transformative. I believe that these questions will empower you and show you a strategic roadmap. Now let's look at the problem-solving questions. Ask yourself!    
What's great about this problem?
What challenges hinder the perfect solution?
How can I reach my target goal?
What opportunities arise from solving this problem?
🌍 How can I create positive value for myself and others?
If you ask the right question to uncover it as a resource, you will enjoy the process while you do what is necessary to make it the way you want. So that, you will enjoy and create a positive mindset to overcome the problems that you face. If you do this as a habit, you will increase the quality of your life and feel better!

Don't forget: Your destiny is shaped by the questions you ask and those you fail to ask!

Sunday 6 June 2021

Keep Ecosystem Healthy for Tomorrow!

A healthy ecosystem is our natural capital! We could not live without it. Biodiversity is the key indicator of the health of an ecosystem.

We see that world population is projected to grow to 9 billion by 2050. This creates an increasing pressure to provide adequate healthcare, food and water for us.

Therefore, application of the One Health approach is really valuable to keep the ecosystem healthy.

Nearly 75 percent of all emerging human infectious diseases in the past three decades originated in animals (zoonotic diseases), especially wildlife.

The principal drivers for the emergence of the zoonotic diseases are associated with human activities, including changes in ecosystems and land use, loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services, deforestation, intensification of agriculture, use of antibiotics and pesticides, urbanisation, destruction of the wildlife and international travel and trade.

I know that a collaborative and multi-disciplinary approach is needed to ensure animal, human, and environmental health that covers environmental and ecosystem health, social sciences, ecology, wildlife, land use, and biodiversity.

Keep ecosystem healthy for tomorrow!

Sahara Karagöl National Park / Excellence in Nature

Saturday 5 June 2021

How to Remain Competitive in Agri-Food Industry?

 If you have trouble in agri-food industry transformation, you need to consider certain key factors:

1.     Build capacity and expertise
2.     Create a strong brand
3.     Create a global mindset
4.     Drive and adopt innovation, R&D, prototyping, commercializing and internationalization as a cultural shift and see risk and the potential for failure as opportunities for insight development that leads to growth and innovation
5.     Provide tools to support agri-food industry to innovate
6.     Create Collaborative Innovation Ecosystem in Agri-Food Industry
7.     Connect and collaborate on a global scale
8.     Focus on the end customer; tailored and personalised nutrition; clean, green, and safe products; product transparency and traceability; biodiversity, ecosystem services and sustainability.
9.     Develop and implement a long-term innovation action plan
10. Use next generation of technologies as a competitive advantage in agrigenomics, robotics, IoT, remote sensing and machine learning, as well as bioscience, novel farming techniques, and food innovation and processing to drive disruption across the global food supply chain.

Friday 15 August 2014

All This Emphasis On Accountability Shows What Bad Leaders We Really Are

This post was originally published in Linkedin by Doug Wilson - Chief Solution Design Officer at 9By9Solutions on August 15, 2014. You can reach through the above link to read the article.